Leeds Astronomical Society LAS Meetings Observing Membership



[Next Observing session: TBA]

The New Inn - Eccup




Our main observing site for public events is at The New Inn, Eccup Lane, Eccup, Leeds, LS16 8AU & we usually meet in the pub beforehand. (What3Words location: ///employer.tenses.dumpling)

Sessions will only go ahead if the weather is likely to be clear. Please check the website from lunchtime on the day.

Please ensure that all children are supervised closely by a responsible adult and that they don't leave their group. Please dress warmly, which usually includes hat, gloves and outdoor shoes. A small red torch is useful. Leeds Astronomy Society cannot be responsible for accidents on the field. Also please turn car headlights off as soon as possible after parking.

Members also sometimes meet at Soldiers Field in Roundhay for impromptu observing sessions, which are arranged via the chatline. Parking is on West Avenue, near Foxwood road. (Postcode: LS8 2BF, What3Words location: ///rock.atoms.range)